Good use of Social Media should connect you to New Business

Good use of Social Media should connect you to New Business

Today saw us attend a social media seminar hosted by Business Link West Midlands at Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club; with its aim being to impart that good use of Social Media should connect you to New Business.

The speaker was Anne Marie Hanlon, of whom prior to us attending we had heard good things of.... from people who had attended the same seminar previously as it had been held at different locations throughout the West Midlands over the past couple of months.

There seems to be an awful lot of diversification by many local businesses into the social media arena, whereby by many are holding untold amounts of social media seminars, courses and events some of which having bold statements being made.

The problem we faced like all consumer is what do you believe, because “and its no-one’s fault” what you may be told today in regard to social media may not be correct in a week, or months time, due to things changing..i.e. how search engines (well Google really) look and accredit the work carried out by consumers on their social media profiles and content.

The seminar which Anne Marie did we thought was well pitched, informative and constructive, most of all during her presentation she took time to answer questions as they were asked if only to say “we’ll be covering that after the break”. To our knowledge, no one left the meeting without having their question answered, which in itself provides knowing about the subject of social media.

There were no outrageous statements like, “we’re the only ones doing this” or “this is unique to us” or even “my usual start cost is £300 by I’ll do it for £25” – as all these types of statements do make it hard to digest and make us put our guard up before listening to what else is being said, as we all like to think on the negative side and be disbelievers.

Such companies who make such statements you will find in a majority of cases will not offer or allow you to test and sample their social media work and knowledge beforehand...they’re not prepared to put their money where their mouth is and provide the evidence.

Not unique, not mind-blowing, or even entrepreneurial but prior to going to the seminar - by a few months, in fact, we decided to set up multiple twitter accounts but in all honesty, we never did anything with them. The reason for setting them up was to see if they would be a good way to strip out all the elements that do not concern certain business and consumer twitter followers, as well as ultimately being more direct and targeted in our approach (but not spamming).

The big problem in our opinion with any form of social media is time, it takes up way too much of it - and that’s the reason we have not actively done much social media ourselves. That said realisation is that social media no matter how long in its current form its present form, is when all said and done the current modern-day way to move forward business profiles forward.

So with that in mind, we have now picked the twitter reigns back up and actively gone down the twitter route and set up many twitter accounts which over time will cross-pollinate and help any followers to receive specific details/information on what they are after.

Also, it helps us to keep our branding in tacked and more viable and accepted by a larger audience, as well as helping us be a known for specific services - some of which are current and some of which are planned.