Businesses use videos to connect to consumers online

Businesses use videos to connect to consumers online

As we write this blog..... Videos are fast becoming a way in which local businesses are looking to promote themselves and connect to consumers online.

Currently, the realisation is that due to consumer’s hectic lifestyles and there being so much out there for them to absorb - that it’s easier for the consumer to gain a better and quicker understanding of business products and services by watching...!

Like with anything though there are positives and negatives and with online video presentations, this is certainly no different.

The positive about doing videos for your business is it helps to get the message you want out there, it provides you with the ability to engage, capture and inform the consumer. Of course, this can be done in a variety of ways and many businesses now try to use humour or something a little different in order to engage and try and increase viewers...... this is referred to as Viral Marketing.

In simplistic terms..... A good video can make a business look good and a bad video makes them look bad.

A good video can make a business seem like they know what they’re doing, that they’re knowledgeable within their industry, and that they are a business who can be trusted.

A bad video will do all the opposites and as hard pill as it would be to swallow a bad video will ultimately reach more people, as they will pass it on to friends and family, use social media to get maximum exposure to watch the video for amusement and the cringe factor.

It’s important that videos do what you want them to do......... examples being are you trying to... Sell something, promote a product, promoting a service, obtain brand awareness, gain viewer numbers, do it for something to do.

There are some videos which can be expensive and there are those which can be affordable; however there is no getting away from the fact technology is making video creation a lot better, more effective and most of all easier to do in the first place.

Consumers can be educated by watching videos, physically seeing what a product can do even before they buy it, there’s a blender company in America who uses videos to great effect as they promote that the fact that their blender can blend virtually anything.

So they put their money where their mouth is and they create videos proving just this point, they blend, iPhone’s, Cups, Keys, and much, much more..... they use viral marketing is done to great effect and their sales are going into overdrive.

There are hundreds of video-only sites out there on the internet which you will need to upload your video to (other than the likes of YouTube and Google Video).

But rather than joining all these sites and uploading individually you can register with them and upload your video to ‘Tube Mogul’ which will then do the upload to all the sites for you.

When uploading you’re videos connect better with consumers by using very relevant keyword tags and summary descriptions.