Peter Jones says “I could do that in a week”

Peter Jones, who I am sure you all know from Dragons Den fame is a very successful businessman.

Whilst watching a Dragons Den episode one of the people who were looking for investment said as part of their pitch that their website was in a ‘soft launch'.

Peter Jones then questioned what a ‘soft launch' was, to which they replied that they had been working and developing their online business for 18 months and it was only now that it was anywhere near completion.

Peter Jones then seemed dismissive in part to the business idea but also in part to the statement that they had been working and developing an online business for 18 months. Peter Jones then said to them, that he could do exactly the same thing as them in a week.

The question is....... could he? I mean could he really.......Peter Jones?

Or would he pass it to someone or a whole team of development people which he employs within his multi-group organisation...

It is said to be successful you first have to fail, and fail again, and again....but in the statement he made saying “I could do the same as you in a week” did Peter Jones remember at what level these people were at. Possibly the same level he was at leading up to or during his own failing business stage.

Dismissing an idea is one thing because his comments although not what people would want to hear could be valuable, and provide guidance...but to effectively say what he said and appear to totally have a disregard for the time and effort that they may or may not have put into their web project I think is totally out of order.

When someone has experience or money it makes them relaxed and more confident to invest in people and businesses, they look past the immediate and into the future; they can get the best people, to do the jobs and projects they want to produce to bring to the market.

The fact is... now many people are looking at setting up their own business either as a part-time or full-time operation, as they need to look and diversify their income revenue streams.

Often they head towards fields or industries that they know nothing about, but go that way because these industries or routes provide a better chance of longevity.

Point is... there is no shame in taking time to get somewhere so long and you believe in what you're trying to achieve just be careful that you're not clinging on to hope.

When things are taking too long access for yourself “Will it work” or are you just kidding yourself.....!

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